DATE: 4.04.2012
author: grinvenmo
clomid bbt spike
Positive OPK's and no BBT rise... what is going on? Please help.
Low BBT after ovulation?? -
How long after ovulation does BBT rise? | FertilityTiesI did a combination of clomid and follistim this cycle and. Low BBT after ovulation??. cycles in the past where you could see a big temp spike.
BBT Spike?? - Yahoo! Answers Chart for tracking basal body temperature, cervical mucus, intercourse, etc.. Are my BBTs as accurate if I am taking fertility medications such as Clomid. BBT Spike, Normal??. (97.91-97.94). Then all of the sudden this AM it. clomid
First month of BBT charting, OPK tests and questions.
Charting Your Basal Body Temperature Information and FAQ.I know you should retest BBT. But I am curious. Would it have been possible to. Clomid; Yellow Sperm ; Egg Donation; In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Male Infertility ttc for 14 months, 2nd cycle of Clomid, now 15 dpo and getting a bloodtest. Could I have a positive OPK for 3 days but not BBT spike? If I get a temperature. I have another prescription for clomid and I also am wondering if i should take the clomid on day 3? My spike on the BBT chart happened on day 16 so I ovulated. With the Clomid.. u should get ur + OPK 5 to 9 days after the last pill is taken. SO that should be about right. With the BBT.. u will get ur spike after u have O'ed and.
On clomid 100mg, day 30, BBT still high-noticed light spotting.My dr. put me on 100 mg Clomid Days 5-9 this cycle and. First month of BBT charting, OPK tests and questions...... the pain and EWCM is gone but I've not had a temp spike.
BBT Spike, Normal?? - Fertility / Infertility / IVF - MedHelp
clomid bbt spike First month of BBT charting, OPK tests and questions.
Implantation Signs - BBT Implantation Dip and Implantation Signs
Clomid, ovulated, no period, pregnant? - Fertility Treatments.
First month of BBT charting, OPK tests and questions.
Detect Ovulation on a Basal Body Temperature Chart
First month of BBT charting, OPK tests and questions.
On clomid 100mg, day 30, BBT still high-noticed light spotting.